Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Change your body, and your life!

All we can say is... "Wow!" This guy,
Michael Bernal, of Tallahassee, Florida, spent 8 weeks of doing "Insanity" workouts () and a Plant Based, Whole Foods diet () to lose 8% body fat and gain a ton of muscle. EIGHT WEEKS! This is what we here at SmartLife call "AMAZING"! More and more evidence is arising every day that strongly suggests whole foods, plant based diets are incredibly beneficial to our overall health - and it makes sense: we're the only animals that process and cook our food! If every other animal on Earth, including us, evolved over millions of years to get the most nutritional benefit out of foods that come from the Earth and remain untouched, then shouldn't we consider them the Smart(Life) choice?! We think so. Remember, your health is up to you - your health is your life - and in order to live as long and healthily as possible, shouldn't we all strive to do whatever we can to help each other and ourselves?

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Give us your ideas!

We're still getting things going here at Smart Life, and we encourage anyone and everyone to send us your own ideas on how to live a Smart Life! It can be anything from better eating to increasing productivity to enjoying family time more often - anything that encourages a smarter, healthier, happier you! Spread the good vibes :)

The Smart Life Team

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

In a recent conversation about obesity, I expressed that the absence of physical education in schools has also contributed to childhood obesity.  As a child, I remember having a PE class everyday – not so the case today.  Since the No Child Left Behind Act of 2002 and vast budget cuts, Physical Education class has been put on the back burner.

How important is PE in schools today? – Very!  Studies have shown that physical education benefits the process of a child growing into adulthood, increases their capacity to learn, enhances weight control and increases self-esteem, to say the least.  This past summer, my son put my theory to the test by participating in physical activities daily and replacing fruit drinks with water.  As a result, he lost three pounds in only one month!!

Let's MoveWhile I understand that there are so many other things “we” as a family can do, reality is that children spend most of their waking hours at school.  With longer school days, more homework and responsibilities, there is very little time to get a daily exercise routine in except in school.  This is why I strongly believe that schools should implement at least 45 minutes of daily physical activities into their curriculum.

The www.LetsMove.gov site states that The U.S. Department of Education will be working with Congress on the creation of a Safe and Healthy Schools fund.  This fund will support schools with comprehensive strategies to improve their school environment, which includes improving the quality and availability of physical education.  I’ll be keeping an eye on this!

Contributed by Mimi

Monday, October 17, 2011

Call your senator: Support the USDA effort to reduce starch in school lunches

A rule proposed by the USDA would reduce the amount of white potatoes schools can serve per week.  The rule is:

As recommended by IOM, starchy
vegetables (e.g., white potatoes, corn,
lima beans, and green peas) would be
limited to 1 cup per week to encourage
students to try new vegetables in place
of the familiar starchy ones. In addition,
schools would be allowed to offer other
vegetables (as defined in Appendix A–
2 of the 2005 Dietary Guidelines) over
the course of the week as specified in
the proposed meal pattern.


USDA estimates it would increase the cost of a school breakfast by 50 cents and a lunch by 14 cents.  But remarkably, a provision in the House of Representatives' agriculture appropriations bill that passed June 16 prevents the U.S. Department of Agriculture from proceeding with the new rule.  Next stop, the U.S. Senate.

You have a chance to make a difference!  Contact your senator today about the Department of Agriculture appropriations bill.  The version of this appropriations bill which passed the house, can be changed in conference committee.  Tell your senator the proposed new USDA rule - matters!
Read about it here.

Read about it here.

Read About Senator Susan Collins support for starch in school children's lunches.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Get That Heart a Pumpin'!

Did you know that according to the American Center for Disease Control 17% of people between the ages of 2 and 19 are obese? Obesity can lead to all kinds of health complications later in life, and is responsible for almost all cases of Type II diabetes. Our bodies weren't meant to lug around all that extra weight!

So what can you do to help prevent obesity and influence others to do so as well?  Well, here at Smart Life, we say "Get that heart a pumpin'!".

That's right, you can burn up to 500 calories in just 30 minutes of play - be it on the jungle gym, soccer field, or even in your swimming pool!

Exercise doesn't have to be boring, grab a few friends, a frisbee, and watch the fun unfold!  Studies show that exercise improves mood, self-esteem, and encourages social interaction. And it encourages a healthy lifestyle! So whaddya say?   GET THAT HEART A PUMPIN'!!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Hi Guys!

Welcome to Smart Life! Your first step in creating a new, healthier, smarter you. Smart Life encourages people of all ages to make better, healthier decisions about food, exercise, social interaction, and their approach to the world around us.

Our goal is to help children, teenagers, adults, and seniors reach their fullest potential, achieve new goals, and live in an environmentally authentic way.  We want to also help you be economically responsible - all to make the most of this one life we all have on this planet together!