Monday, October 17, 2011

Call your senator: Support the USDA effort to reduce starch in school lunches

A rule proposed by the USDA would reduce the amount of white potatoes schools can serve per week.  The rule is:

As recommended by IOM, starchy
vegetables (e.g., white potatoes, corn,
lima beans, and green peas) would be
limited to 1 cup per week to encourage
students to try new vegetables in place
of the familiar starchy ones. In addition,
schools would be allowed to offer other
vegetables (as defined in Appendix A–
2 of the 2005 Dietary Guidelines) over
the course of the week as specified in
the proposed meal pattern.


USDA estimates it would increase the cost of a school breakfast by 50 cents and a lunch by 14 cents.  But remarkably, a provision in the House of Representatives' agriculture appropriations bill that passed June 16 prevents the U.S. Department of Agriculture from proceeding with the new rule.  Next stop, the U.S. Senate.

You have a chance to make a difference!  Contact your senator today about the Department of Agriculture appropriations bill.  The version of this appropriations bill which passed the house, can be changed in conference committee.  Tell your senator the proposed new USDA rule - matters!
Read about it here.

Read about it here.

Read About Senator Susan Collins support for starch in school children's lunches.

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