Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Change your body, and your life!

All we can say is... "Wow!" This guy,
Michael Bernal, of Tallahassee, Florida, spent 8 weeks of doing "Insanity" workouts () and a Plant Based, Whole Foods diet () to lose 8% body fat and gain a ton of muscle. EIGHT WEEKS! This is what we here at SmartLife call "AMAZING"! More and more evidence is arising every day that strongly suggests whole foods, plant based diets are incredibly beneficial to our overall health - and it makes sense: we're the only animals that process and cook our food! If every other animal on Earth, including us, evolved over millions of years to get the most nutritional benefit out of foods that come from the Earth and remain untouched, then shouldn't we consider them the Smart(Life) choice?! We think so. Remember, your health is up to you - your health is your life - and in order to live as long and healthily as possible, shouldn't we all strive to do whatever we can to help each other and ourselves?

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